
European Stagnation Will Lead to Policy Shifts


There is currently a significant shift happening in the USA, with cuts to government expenditure, and ambitions to reduce the regulatory burden.  read more »


Why Jews Are Fleeing the West


Jewish history has long been defined by migratory movements away from trouble and towards safer places.  read more »

Growing with Energy


Energy is vitally important for economic growth, particularly those forms of energy that can be used for planned power delivery. It is evident for example that Germany is currently suffering from the past decisions to shut down rather than upgrade nuclear energy.  read more »

Europe Faces Green Energy Immiseration. Trump is About to Offer it a Lifeline.


Teddy Roosevelt believed in speaking softly and carrying a big stick. Donald Trump will never speak softly, or even politely, but he will soon pack the power inherent in presiding over the world’s number one producer of oil and gas.  read more »


Eastern Europe's Thriving Talent Market


Modern economies are increasingly driven by talent supply, and talent is often associated with the level of formal education degrees. Yet, across the Atlantic there are large differences in the unemployment rates of highly educated people.  read more »

Why Europe and America Need Each Other


European elites are greeting the incoming Trump administration with something less than enthusiasm. The UK has sent an ambassador to Washington with a well-expressed disdain for the returning US president.  read more »


Taxes and Government Spending Are Crowding Out Growth in Europe


A long-term trend which is continuing, is that the US is running ahead of Europe in terms of prosperity. In 2024, the US economy grew by 2.8 percent  read more »


Our Incredible Shrinking Planet


If the 20th century was an era obsessed with the fear of a global population explosion – a time when governments, experts, and journalists fretted that population growth powered by high birth rates would soon outstrip the planet’s finite resources – the 21st century promises to be the opposite  read more »

Europe's Baby Bust


Most visitors to Stockholm and other Scandinavian cities and towns marvel not just at the cities themselves but at the residents and their lives as well.  read more »

Europe’s Knowledge Geography is Shifting Towards Low Taxes and Competitive Energy


Currently, major changes are happening in the knowledge geography in Europe. The study The geography of Europe’s brain business jobs measures the share of the working-age population across Europe employed in highly knowledge-intensive enterprises.  read more »