
The New Deal at 75: An Inspiration, Not a Blueprint


Whatever your political perspective, Americans need to admire the New Deal for, if nothing else, its ambitious agenda. In a way unparalleled in the 20th Century, the New Deal left us a legacy of achievement – one that we can still see in big cities like San Francisco and small towns like Wishek, North Dakota.  read more »


The Big Reversal


It took the re-election of a battered Republican candidate — and a milestone rejection of the Democratic Party’s climate and energy policies by the American electorate — to stop the years-long assault on rural America, our landscapes, and our wildlife by Big Wind and its many allies.  read more »


Here's the Real Hockey Stick


In 2005, Scientific American published an article saying that the hockey stick graph published a few years earlier by Michael Mann, an academic who now works at the University of Pennsylvania  read more »

LA Fires are the Horrifying Consequence of Democratic Misrule


Los Angeles authorities’ poor preparation for and lamentable response to the wildfires now devastating the city capture a broader problem – namely, the failure of governance  read more »

Eastern Europe's Thriving Talent Market


Modern economies are increasingly driven by talent supply, and talent is often associated with the level of formal education degrees. Yet, across the Atlantic there are large differences in the unemployment rates of highly educated people.  read more »

Why Both Sides Are Right in the H-1B Visas Row


The current clashes over high-skilled immigration between Donald Trump’s right-wing base and his ‘first buddy’, Elon Musk, reveal a fundamental divide within the US president’s odd coalition.  read more »

California Ruled with Great Jobs and Boom Times. What Happened?


Gov. Gavin Newsom’s constant reminders that California’s economy ”leads the nation” as well as being a model for social justice are delusional.  read more »

The Scared Professors


In 1958, sociologists Paul Lazarsfeld and Wagner Thielens Jr. conducted several studies with academics across the country  read more »


The Return of Realpolitik


If the election of Donald Trump means anything, it marks the end of the liberal world order and its replacement by grim realpolitik  read more »


The Hydrocarbon Elephant in the Room that Newsom Refuses to Address


California Governor Gavin Newsom refuses to address the hydrocarbon elephant in the room, namely that The End of Oil Would be the End of Civilization as the products manufactured from crude oil played a major role in building the world from one billion to eight billion people in the past 200 years.  read more »
