
The Future of Cities: View from the Left Coast

Save the date! Join us live for a Speaker Panel on Friday January 20,2023 from 11:30AM - 2:30PM PST.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast — Breaking Down Barriers in Housing Development

Discover why building a home in California now costs over $1.2 million per unit  read more »

The Next Australian City: the Suburban Evolution

Australia, much like America, is a nation of suburbs. The overwhelming majority of its people live, work and play in the suburbs  read more »

Update on the Relationship Between House Values and Rents

According to the latest information (American Community Survey, 2022), the strong relationship between median house values and median gross rents remains  read more »

Feudal Future: Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis & Protecting the Middle Class Dream

Unlock the mystery behind why securing a roof over your head has become an arduous quest in today’s Western civilization.  read more »

YIMBY Can Populate Conference Halls (at Least)

The Biden administration's Realtor subsidy scheme is the latest flag, but the politics of "affordable housing" cut across normal partisan bounds.  read more »

Reports from Urban Reform Institute, Center for Opportunity Urbanism

Archive of reports by the Center for Opportunity Urbanism and the Urban Reform Institute.  read more »

Make Housing Affordable by Abolishing Growth Boundaries, not Ending Density Restrictions: Reason Magazine Debate

In too many metropolitan areas, housing is no longer affordable for middle-class households, especially in  read more »

Los Angeles Housing Voucher Lottery: 7 Families For Each Waiting List Place

Writing in Laist.com, David Wagner reports that the City of Los Angeles opened its Section 8 rental voucher waiting list for the first time in five years.  read more »

Another Supply Factor in Home Sales: Who Can Broker the Deal?

America’s latest bout of realty mania may finally be dying down, as home prices and particularly sales volumes decline after a rise of interest rates. With mortgage payments more costly, and expectations of equity appreciation diminishing, the fees charged by brokers may become a rub again. Five percent off the top, a typical full transaction commission, shouldn’t escape so much notice when prices aren’t rising by double digits each year.  read more »