
Census Bureau Focuses on Younger Adults Leaving Larger Urban Cores

The Census Bureau has released an ”America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers” issue entitled: “Fewer Younger Adults Drives Population Loss in Some U.S. Cities.”  read more »


Council-Manager Form of Government Not Undemocratic

On June 19th Douglas Newby’s opinion piece titled, “Democracy Needs to Replace City Manager Ward System” was published with the assertion that the council-manager form of government (under which the City of Dallas, Texas is currently formed), is undemocratic.  read more »

The 'Defund the Police' Fantasy Lives on in LA

Southern California has always had a casual relationship with reality, but West Hollywood’s decision to stop funding the LA Sheriff amidst a mounting crime tsunami takes the fantasy to a new — and dangerous — level.  read more »

The Supreme Court Just Dealt a Major Blow to the Green Left—and a Major Win for Democracy

The Supreme Court has handed down another win for skeptics of progressive overreach. On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency does not have the authority to set national energy policy  read more »

Trump is the Democrats Secret Weapon

There is no question that the Democrats are going overboard on the staged theatrics surrounding the horrific events of January 6th.  read more »

Court Blocks Minneapolis Single-Family Zoning Abolition

The City of Minneapolis “cannot enforce its controversial long-range plan eliminating single-family zoning  read more »

California is at a Crossroads

The most recent elections in California resolved little about the future, but did suggest that there’s a growing electoral unease with progressive dogma.  read more »

California Steps Back from the Brink

In yesterday’s primary elections, California took a small step away from the brink. San Franciscans recalled one of the most notorious “progressive prosecutors”—ultra-lenient DA Chesa Boudin  read more »

The Progressive Revolution is in Retreat

California may be the incubator of some of the worst political trends of our times — affirmative action, climate hysteria, identity politics — but it is also capable of reversing those trends  read more »

The Absurdity of California's Slave Reparations Bill

When it comes to preening, no American politician excels more than California Governor Gavin Newsom. His latest achievement, if you want to call it that  read more »