Recent anti-Semitic events – from France and Belgium to Argentina – are accelerating the relentless shrinking of the Jewish Diaspora. Once spread virtually throughout the world, the Diaspora – the scattering of Jews after the fall of ancient Israel – is retreating from many of its global redoubts as Jews increasingly cluster in two places: Israel and the United States.
Seventy years after the liberation of Auschwitz, Jewish communities throughout Europe are again on the decline. This time, the pressure mainly comes not from the traditional anti-Semitic Right but from Islamic fundamentalists, which include many European citizens.
Not all this decline is attributable to attacks from Islamic militants. Demographic factors – intermarriage and low birth rates – afflict almost all Diaspora communities.
Read the full article at The Orange County Register.
Joel Kotkin is executive editor of NewGeography.com and Roger Hobbs Distinguished Fellow in Urban Studies at Chapman University, and a member of the editorial board of the Orange County Register. He is also executive director of the Houston-based Center for Opportunity Urbanism. His newest book, The New Class Conflict is now available at Amazon and Telos Press. He is also author of The City: A Global History and The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.
Photo by Chamber of Fear (originally posted to Flickr as Jewish Family Night) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
anti-Semitic right
The right is neither currently nor traditionally anti-semitic. Stop perpetrating that notion.
Currently, no. Traditionally, somewhat
These days, conservatives are more likely to be pro-Israel and not particularly anti-Semitic. The evangelicals among them might rub Jews the wrong way in trying to convert them, but outside of a small handful of paleo-conservatives, you don't have much antisemitism there.
Historically, the left has tended to be less bigoted and more open to Jews than conservatives were a half-century or so ago.
The 1967 and 1973 wars seem to be a turning point, as the modern left now sees Israel as a colonial power of sorts rather than a put-upon minority, and some of that anti-Zionist vibe turns into anti-Jewish in many circles, especially on college campuses.
Meanwhile, that Israeli success coupled with the rising cache of pre-millennial (Left-Behind style) theology made new friends for Israel on the right.
All the more reason for
All the more reason for organized Jewish groups to get on the side of American working families on the twin pocketbook issues of trade and immigration. Friends need friends.
Luke Lea
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