- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Empty or Illicit? NYC Shops for a Solution


New York City, like many urban areas, has suffered vacant storefronts in recent years. The causes are likely many  read more »

Agressive Canadian Progressivism is Descending the Country into Crazy


Like most Americans, I always tended to believe Canada was our more sensible, if less intense, neighbour. It was a country that respected liberal traditions  read more »


Engines of Opportunity


Colleges, universities, and academic medical centers play a vital role as engines of learning, innovation, prosperity, and opportunity in America’s cities. But they face growing tectonic stresses  read more »


Gavin Newsom's Futile Bid to Trump-Proof California


Never one to miss an opportunity for posturing, California Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced plans to “Trump-proof” the state if the former president wins later this year.  read more »

Interest in Democratic Valueo is High Outside Urban Cores


With the COVID-19 pandemic declared over, a significant question for politicians, planners, and pundits alike is what to do with city centers and old urban cores after the pandemic pushed many Americans to move away from dense urban areas.  read more »


California Is the Homeland of Progressive Anti-Semitism


One 19th century Gentile described California as “the Jews’ earthly paradise”. It is paradise no longer. Reports of attacks on Jewish businesses, homes and institutions are becoming ever more commonplace  read more »


Sometimes Comical; Sometimes Tragic


On the last working day before the Holidays the OMB of the White House announced a notice of decision regarding the statistical treatment of race and ethnicity topics in all government statistical programs and analyses. In a revised Statistical Policy Directive 15 it stated: These revisions to SPD 15 are intended to result in more accurate and useful race and ethnicity data across the Federal government. (emphasis mine)  read more »

California's Broken Diversity Promise


Few states are more ostentatious in their concern for racial equality and minority uplift than California.  read more »

Hydrogen or Synthetic Fossil Fuels?


Every few years within the energy sector, a new 'entrepreneur' emerges with a supposedly 'revolutionary' idea that often turns out to be nothing more than a repackaging of an old concept that failed to gain traction.  read more »

New Report: El Futuro es Latino


This newly released report covers the challenges and successes of Latinos, their history in California, and present day role in the economy.  read more »