
Localist Living in a Shrinking Age


I try hard to give people insights into trends affecting our world. One of them is the way that declining birth rates will ultimately translate into shrinking cities.  read more »

Meet the Woke Activists Behind the Roald Dahl Book Purge


Over the weekend, the publisher Puffin announced that it had scrubbed language deemed “insensitive” and “non-inclusive” from the works of Roald Dahl, the classic children’s book author  read more »

California: No Growth to 2060 per State Projections


The state of California Department of Finance (DOF) has issued interim population projections indicating that in 2060, there will be 39,508,000 residents in the state.  read more »

Why Globalism Failed


Not so long ago, the West was captivated by visions of the ‘end of history’. Francis Fukuyama, Thomas Friedman, Kenichi Ohmae and others envisaged the permanent triumph of a global neoliberal order.  read more »

Woe, the Humanity: How AI Fits into Rising Anti-Humanism


The future of humanity is becoming ever less human. The astounding capabilities of ChatGPT and other forms of artificial intelligence have triggered fears about the coming age of machines leaving little place for human creativity or employment. Even the architects of this brave new world are sounding the alarm.  read more »

The New Corporatism That's Killing Capitalism


Over the years since the financial crisis, economic power and wealth has become ever more concentrated in fewer hands. This is something leaders have acknowledged, and policymakers have tried to do something about.  read more »

Remote and Hybrid Work Continues Appeal in the US and Canada


Despite the continuing pressure from employers for employees to work on-site, working from home continues at a strong pace. Just released data from WFH Research indicates that 41.3% of US workers worked at home at least part of the time between March and June 2023.  read more »

Gen Z Moving Out of Cities


Remember the young people who supposedly loved cities and rejected the suburbs? It turns out they are the ones who have been fleeing the cities since the beginning of the pandemic.  read more »

What America's Urban Exodus Means for San Francisco


Over the past few weeks, seemingly endless stories have detailed San Francisco’s continuing troubles, with its retail core collapse and high office vacancy rates being the latest areas of serious attention.  read more »

The Luckiest Country


“There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children, and the United States of America.” ~ Otto Van Bismarck  read more »